Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Sort of kind of Funny na rin

The post you will read after this sentence is based on a true story.

I was in third grade then. Our school was preparing for our foundation day and I, together with my other classmates, would show off what we had learned in PE which was aerobics.

So our teacher asked us to make our own dumbells. Unfortunately for me, my parents at that time were in Bulacan, so I had my lolo to prepare the said dumbells for me.

You know what my lolo did?

He took four empty cans of milk (the big ones), filled them up with wet cement and stuck two sticks in two of the four cans.

When it was done, my lolo called me and showed me my dumbells. They were heavy, i mean really heavy for my age (even until now). But I never complained, thinking that they were really supposed to be heavy because they were dumbells after all.

I brought them to school the next day. When I saw my classmates' dumbells, I was surprised to find out that they only used small empty cans of evaporated milk and a really thin stick (my stick had a one inch diameter). And I thought, "they're pretty light too, unlike mine".

But you see, that next day, was our foundation day already, so I had no choice but use the ones lolo made for me.

My shoulders and my entire body ached after that aero stunt we had. Grabeng bigat men.

Now that I thought about this, natatawa na lang ako. Ibang klase talaga si lolo!



Jovan Puyo said...

Hahahaha! Natawa ako doon ah!

Haaaaaay! Elementary Field Day memories nga naman. Hehehehe!

For our Field Day in St. Bridget's in Batangas, my worse experience was performed the "maglalatik" barefoot on the field under the hot sun.


lengirl said...

hehe, it's the thought that counts na lang :) umeffort si lolo para sa apo!

ang memorable field demo ko ay yung nag-policewoman outfit kami while dancing mala-pulis moves to the bart man (bart simpson). classic!