*While listening to Jim Brickman's
Love of My Life
Not that I have one, but tis song's just so freaking nice, you want to be in love right then and there. I am sorry, this post, I think, is gonna be a little sentimental. My house is so empty today. My sibs are still in school, taking their final exams, and Im here, at home and alone. So I decided to blog and play this song..
So, how did I celebrate my 23rd birthday? Went to Subic. Work could really, really get in the way. So there, I never had chance to celebrate it with special people. But it's okay, the important thing is special people are always with me and loving me, even if it isnt my birthday. You just feel more loved when it's your birthday, because it's the day when your cellphone's at her busiest mode (at least for me).
Because of this fact, I can never thank JC enough. I may not have my love of my life but I have a family who is so awesome-- a younger brother who thinks he's older than you are & who secretly pinches ur nose when you are asleep; a dad who calls you "ang baby" and will just go all the way here in Manila to help u in ur household chores when Manang's not around; a mom who constantly reminds you to eat always to avoid frequent stomachaches and cuddles you; an Ate Jo who calls you from time to time and just fools around and cooks your favorite spaghetti even if she's so damn tired from work; an Ate Je who combs your hair when you ask her to and treats you still like a 4-year-old baby sister. Yep, that's my family.. They're the most beautiful.
And my friends from childhood until now.. I dont see them often but they're here, in my heart, blowing me kisses and whispering happy memories to my ears all the time. Sigh. I love them. I love them a lot.
And to you JC, thank you, thank you so much. :-)
Sometimes it's so hard to believe
When a love can be so strong
And faith gave me the strength
And kept me holding on
Love of My Life, Jim Brickman